How To Stop Red Eyes From Weed


Red eyes after consuming weed is a common phenomenon that many people experience. It is an effect of THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, which causes the blood vessels in the eyes to dilate, leading to redness. While it is not a harmful or dangerous side effect, it can be a cause of concern for some people, especially if they have to engage in public activities.

Fortunately, there are ways to prevent or alleviate red eyes after smoking weed. One of the most effective ways is by using eye drops. These drops work by constricting the blood vessels in the eyes, reducing redness and irritation. There are various types of eye drops available, but it is essential to choose a brand that is specifically designed for reducing redness. It is also important to use the drops as directed and not overuse them, as this can cause further irritation and dryness.

In addition to using eye drops, there are other remedies one can try to prevent or alleviate red eyes after smoking weed. These include staying hydrated and using a cold compress. By following these simple steps, one can enjoy the benefits of marijuana without worrying about the tell-tale sign of red eyes.

Use Eye Drops

The application of over-the-counter eye drops has been demonstrated to effectively alleviate the discomfort and redness associated with cannabis use, providing a practical and accessible solution for individuals seeking relief.

There are several types of eye drops to consider, including those that are specifically designed for red eyes. Some eye drops may also contain antihistamines or other active ingredients that can further reduce inflammation and irritation.

However, it is important to watch for potential side effects, such as dryness or irritation, and to use eye drops as directed.

If symptoms persist or worsen, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional for further evaluation and treatment options.

Stay Hydrated

Maintaining proper hydration levels can potentially alleviate ocular symptoms associated with the consumption of certain substances, such as marijuana. Dehydration can exacerbate redness, dryness, and irritation of the eyes, which can be alleviated by drinking plenty of water to prevent dehydration.

Eye health and nutrition are also important factors in reducing red eyes from weed. Consuming foods rich in vitamins A, C, and E, as well as omega-3 fatty acids, can improve eye health and reduce inflammation in the body.

Additionally, avoiding smoking and vaping, which can further irritate the eyes, can also help in reducing the occurrence of red eyes.

Overall, staying hydrated and maintaining a balanced diet can provide relief and promote healthy eyes, reducing the negative impact of smoking weed on ocular health.

Try Other Remedies

Exploring natural alternatives and lifestyle changes may assist in alleviating ocular symptoms associated with the consumption of certain substances, including weed.

While staying hydrated can help to some extent, there are other remedies that may prove effective in reducing red and irritated eyes.

One option is to use eye drops that are designed specifically to alleviate redness. However, it is important to choose eye drops that are free of preservatives and chemicals that may cause further irritation.

Another option is to use cold compresses on the eyes, as this can help to constrict blood vessels and reduce inflammation.

Additionally, incorporating anti-inflammatory foods into one’s diet, such as leafy greens and omega-3 rich foods, may also help to reduce ocular symptoms.

Ultimately, trying different remedies and lifestyle changes may help to find a solution that works best for each individual.


Red eyes are a common side effect of consuming cannabis. While some people may not mind the appearance of red eyes, others may find it uncomfortable or indicative of their cannabis use. Fortunately, there are several ways to prevent or alleviate red eyes caused by cannabis consumption.

One effective method of reducing red eyes is by using eye drops, which can help to soothe and lubricate the eyes. It is important to choose eye drops that are specifically designed for red eyes, as these will contain ingredients that can constrict blood vessels and reduce inflammation.

Additionally, staying hydrated can also help to alleviate red eyes, as dehydration can cause blood vessels to dilate and exacerbate redness. Other remedies include applying a cold compress to the eyes, which can help to reduce inflammation and promote circulation, as well as avoiding smoking cannabis altogether and opting for alternative consumption methods such as edibles or vaporizers.

It is also important to note that some strains of cannabis may be more likely to cause red eyes than others, so experimenting with different strains and dosages may also be effective in reducing or preventing red eyes.

In conclusion, while red eyes may be an uncomfortable or embarrassing side effect of cannabis consumption, there are several ways to prevent or alleviate this symptom. By using eye drops, staying hydrated, and trying other remedies, individuals can enjoy the benefits of cannabis without worrying about red eyes. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional if red eyes persist or are accompanied by other symptoms.