Magnesium Deficiency In Cannabis: Causes And Solutions!


Magnesium deficiency is a prevalent issue that plagues cannabis growers, causing a range of undesirable symptoms that can be detrimental to the plant’s overall health. From yellowing leaves to stunted growth, magnesium deficiency can be caused by various factors, including low pH levels, nutrient imbalances, and inadequate soil or water quality.

In this article, we will delve into the causes and solutions of magnesium deficiency in cannabis, providing growers with the knowledge and tools to keep their plants healthy and thriving.

Magnesium is an essential nutrient for cannabis plants, playing a crucial role in photosynthesis, enzyme activation, and overall plant metabolism. However, due to its mobile nature, cannabis plants can quickly deplete their magnesium stores, leading to a range of adverse effects on their growth and development.

Thus, it is essential for growers to understand the causes and symptoms of magnesium deficiency and take proactive measures to prevent and treat it. By doing so, growers can ensure that their cannabis plants receive the necessary nutrients for optimal growth and, ultimately, a bountiful harvest.

Signs and Symptoms

The signs and symptoms of magnesium deficiency in cannabis are easy to spot. One of the classic signs is light green or yellow coloring on veins and edges of lower older leaves, which may progress to the rest of the leaf. The edges of the leaves may become yellow or bright green and may start feeling crispy to the touch. In some cases, red stems may also be seen, though not always.

It is important to note that magnesium deficiency is different from nutrient burn, which does not lighten the margins inside the leaves. Magnesium deficiency usually appears towards the bottom of the plant and on older, less important leaves. This is because magnesium is a mobile nutrient that can be moved from old leaves to new leaves.

Additionally, magnesium deficiency may happen after supplementing plants with something that contains calcium but not magnesium, or if the pH at the roots is too low. Calcium and magnesium deficiencies often appear together in cannabis. Fixing the root of the problem should stop further yellowing and discoloration of the leaves almost immediately, but it is crucial to make sure the problem is not continuing to spread to other leaves on the plant.

Prevention and Treatment

Preventing and treating a lack of magnesium in plants is crucial for healthy growth and development, as up to 70% of the magnesium in soil can be unavailable for uptake by plants. There are several ways to prevent and treat magnesium deficiency in cannabis plants:

  1. Maintain proper pH levels: Magnesium is best absorbed by the roots in the 6.0-7.0 pH range in soil and 6.0-6.5 pH range in hydro. It is important to monitor the pH levels of the soil or hydroponic solution and adjust them as needed to ensure proper magnesium uptake.

  2. Provide adequate nutrients: A lack of magnesium can occur when plants are not receiving enough nutrients. Adding a cannabis-friendly nutrient solution that contains magnesium can help prevent magnesium deficiency.

  3. Use Dolomite Lime: A product called Dolomite Lime is a good source of calcium and magnesium and can be mixed with soil to prevent magnesium deficiency.

  4. Be mindful of water source: If using filtered or reverse osmosis (RO) water, supplementing with Cal-Mag is recommended to ensure adequate magnesium levels. However, if using tap water, extra magnesium supplementation may not be necessary.

By following these prevention and treatment methods, growers can ensure their cannabis plants receive adequate magnesium levels, leading to healthy growth and development.

Related Nutrient Deficiencies

Identifying related nutrient deficiencies in plants is important for maintaining their health and preventing potential growth issues. In cannabis, magnesium deficiency often occurs together with calcium deficiency. Calcium is also a mobile nutrient, which means it can be moved from old leaves to new leaves. Calcium deficiency usually appears on new growth, while magnesium deficiency appears on older leaves.

Symptoms of calcium deficiency include yellowing or browning of new growth, twisted leaves, and stunted growth. To prevent calcium deficiency, growers can add Dolomite Lime to the soil or use a calcium-rich nutrient solution.

Another common nutrient deficiency in cannabis is nitrogen deficiency, which appears as yellowing of older leaves and stunted growth. Nitrogen is essential for plant growth and is a component of chlorophyll, which gives plants their green color. To prevent nitrogen deficiency, growers can add a nitrogen-rich fertilizer or use compost to enrich the soil.

Identifying and addressing related nutrient deficiencies is crucial for maintaining healthy and thriving cannabis plants.

Related nutrient deficiencies can occur in cannabis and can cause various growth issues. Calcium deficiency and nitrogen deficiency are common nutrient deficiencies in cannabis that can be prevented by using nutrient-rich fertilizers or enriching the soil with compost.

Growers should regularly monitor their plants for signs of nutrient deficiencies and address them promptly to maintain healthy and productive plants. By providing the right nutrients and maintaining proper pH levels, growers can prevent nutrient deficiencies and ensure their plants thrive.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can magnesium deficiency occur even if the pH levels are within the recommended range?

Like a thief in the night, magnesium deficiency can strike even when pH levels are within the recommended range. It’s important to always monitor nutrient levels and supplement with Cal-Mag if using filtered or RO water.

Is it necessary to supplement with Cal-Mag if using tap water?

Supplementing with Cal-Mag is not necessary if using tap water for growing cannabis. However, if using filtered or reverse osmosis water, supplementing with Cal-Mag is recommended as these methods remove essential nutrients, including magnesium.

Can over-supplementing with calcium cause magnesium deficiency?

Over-supplementing with calcium can cause magnesium deficiency in plants, especially if the magnesium levels in the soil or solution are already low. It is important to maintain a balanced nutrient solution to prevent nutrient imbalances.

How long does it take for the affected leaves to recover after fixing the root of the problem?

The affected leaves may recover somewhat after fixing the root of the problem, but it’s important to ensure that the issue isn’t spreading to other leaves. Recovery time depends on the severity of the deficiency and varies between plants.

Are there any specific strains of cannabis that are more susceptible to magnesium deficiency?

There is no evidence to suggest that any specific strains of cannabis are more susceptible to magnesium deficiency. However, ensuring proper nutrient levels and pH balance can prevent and address this issue in all cannabis strains.